WWWWWorth it
WWWNot bad
WBetter as a clock or an ashtray. Hang it from your car mirror.

No Label Or
Number Given
Reviewed By Randy Blake II

One of the most dangerous places for a band to walk in the Hard Music world is straight down the middle. It is that way for a few reasons. It affords bands the chance to experiment in different musical styles that they may not be talented or have an understanding of enough to actually pull off. It also ends up creating an album that because of the band trying to please everyone at the same time comes out as a weak and misguided effort. A lot of very talented bands have been their own executioner by doing this. Do the dangers I described above fit the CD I have in front of me from the band PULL?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

"Ahead" is simply put a cd that hits you between the eyes and continues to do so whether you give in to it or not. What PULL have done here is something that many more experienced bands have ever done in their lengthy careers. They have created A PERFECT ALBUM!!

Yes, an album. This is not just a collection of songs here. Everything co-insides with everything else and is performed with absolute mastery. "Down", "Road Rage"(A great song to play on an open late night highway), "Dr.Death", the excellent "Brain Damage", "Get Thru", "Let Me Down" (major radio on this please). "Bind" and "Last Breath", if you are waiting for me to criticize, forget it. It can't be done. This is a fucking great CD and a must play while driving. All of "Ahead" is 100% top notch and a warm welcome from the dismal shit that was allowed to creep onto US Radio. It was produced and mixed by the band and I defy any of these so called "artists" that idiots like Sony are hiring to mix a cd as interesting and professional as this. We have another winner in the "Why The Fuck Is This Band Not Signed Sweepstakes" and their name is PULL!! Gentleman I raise my glass to you and I await seeing how you are gonna top this. Go to the links and buy this!!



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